Director: Grace Kennington
Chorus is comprised of 6th-8th graders. There are two chorus groups at Deshler Middle: Beginning Chorus and Advanced Chorus. Students sing music from the classical period to modern day music. Students are encouraged to bring in their own ideas into the classroom while they are discussed and performed for other students/parents. There are multiple concerts during the year including Veteran's Day Luncheon, Candlelight and Evergreen in December, State Choral Performance Assessment, Spring Concert, and other smaller events if needed in the Shoals area. The goal is to prepare our students to participate at the beginning and intermediate level at Deshler Middle School leading to a higher level of performance at Deshler High School. Trips are planned yearly depending on location and information is given in the Fall Semester to prepare for the cost. Arts education is very important in the school system as it helps our students to express themselves while learning the history of music.
You may contact Mrs. Grace Kennington by school phone (256-389-2920)or email about any of the chorus events during the school year.